Athian Farsight

Race – Human
Allegiance – None   
     -->Natural moral compass tends to guide him the direction of doing the ‘right thing’. Often times       he ignores  it and does what is convenient or less troublesome.
Age – 25
Height - 5' 8”
Weight - 153 lbs.
Hair Color – Black
Hair Style – Mostly Unkempt, Shoulder blade length
Eye Color - Pale Blue
Body Type - Athletic
Skin - Healthy tone, slightly pale, usually slightly dirty from frequent travel
Handed – Ambidextrous Distinguishing Marks  Many scars from his harsh past.

Innate Abilities

Oracle sight (reflex) - When in high stress situations he sees many possible futures. He’s had this ability since birth and his mind has since been trained to process these possibilities on the fly and take the desired course. With training or some other external stimulus this ability could develop further.

Shadow manipulation - when standing still or stalking slowly he can envelop himself in a veil of shadow obscuring him to the naked eye. When standing still he is all but undetectable.

Farsight - the ability to see beyond that of a normal human. Unknown if this is tied to his oracle ability or not.

Trained Abilities

Two-handed fighting (master) - with weapons up to bastard swords, preference stiletto daggers
Blind fighting (adept)
Lockpicking (adept)


Athian was born to a ‘true oracle’, named Hellena. A true oracle has no affiliation to any deity. They are somehow connected to the flow of time itself and can tap into it at will, after training, and see possible outcomes, past or current events.

A patron of hers hadn’t liked the result of one of her possible futures and returned to take his money back. When he was informed that the money had been spent on food and payment for lodging he grew enraged and killed her. Athian had watched the whole thing from a small cupboard where he had been hiding, as he normally did when his mother had clients. The man left quickly and never returned. Athian climbed from his hiding place and scooped up the remaining valuables in the house, food, and other items his five year old mind deemed useful and left in shock.

From that point on his life was nomadic at best. Some shelters took him in. A few places forced him into orphanages. There were others that were less reputable in their offers and advances. His life was hard and nearly void of pleasant experience that wasn’t purchased. But the years passed. Training was had and skills were developed and honed. Eventually, Athian developed into an exceptional thief and a master of blades. What remained was his lack of purpose and home.

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