
Overview  |  Technology  |  Races  |  The Order  |  Terminology


This is a listing of all the races on the planet. Each race has their pros and cons but this is just intended to be a baseline for character creation. This will give basic cultural and racial attributes so that you can get a better feel for the race.


The Avar are a race of humanoid creatures resembling birds of all types. They have feathers covering their entire body in patterns and colors similar to any type of bird you can think of. Their size and build vary but generally follow with the type of bird that they resemble; typically heights range from 4-6 feet and their build is proportional. However, Avar can and do suffer from obesity which will cause skeletal issues, symptoms showing up as early as a month and increasing in severity as the condition continues. Instead of hair they have feathers, and for males these feathers can get quite long and are often displayed in mating practices. An Avar's wings are their pride and joy even to the extent of higher ranking families having aids to assist in their preening. These aids are aptly called Preens. Upon their digits instead of fingernails they have short but sharp talons, and on their feet the talons are slightly longer and their toes are longer making their feet more bird like.

As for clothing you will see Avar clothed in very little to fully attired like human beings depending on their personal preference, with the exception of shoes. They might wrap their feet in cloth or even wear sandals but beyond that Avar don't wear any foot coverings.

Avar are typically very prideful an and as a result are difficult to work with. They also hold great value in an individual's word and so they do not understand the meaning of try or maybe, it is yes or no.

Avar culture is a complicated structure based on aerial ability, physical appearance (plumage), and sheer physical prowess. Physical appearance is the top of that list while the others can vary. There is however a few clans that always rise above the rest and they are Eagle, Owl clans. They are the top of the social structure. To anger one of those clans is social suicide and often results in exile of the individual.

Avar are lords of the skies and as such hold great sway with the Loftier Guild. As a rule you don't see an airship without an Avar, and if you do it is considered a bad omen. Cities in high places, usually Avar cities are in the high and hard to reach areas, often house an Air Guard made up of Avar of all shapes and sizes. They are specifically trained in aerial combat and fly out on wing if there are airships attacking or being attacked.


Murroch have some feline and some canine features. Body structures can be either canine or feline based but all Murroch have retractable claws on their hands and feet. Fur colors range in all manner of natural pattern and color, not to say that some of the younger or rebellious ilk have a tendency to dye their fur. Hair is not uncommon amongst Murroch and is often beaded or braided according to tribal custom or personal preference. Murroch also wear an assortment of clothing based on personal preference and comfort.

Like the Avar, the Murroch have a tribal structure where the heads of their tribes meet when situations call for it. Such situations would be hostile tribe infringement upon territory, food shortages and other things that would endanger a few tribes in an area. Other than inter-tribal issues tribes are usually autonomous. Unlike the Avar, and most human settlements, the Murroch are matriarchal. The tribal leader's, called a Mersha, word is law. Violation of this law can result in devastating punishment and even death. A Mersha does not mate for life, but merely a season or until she deems that her mate is no longer worthy.

While the female Murroch tend to be leaders, the males are the warriors and hunters. This isn't due to a lack of intelligence or ability on either end, it is quite practical. While females birth and care for young the males have a more dense muscle mass. There are a few tribes however that share all responsibilities entirely but it is not common.

Murroch are known to humans as the best hunters and trackers on the face of the planet and are respected in most regions as such. Even the Order acknowledges their abilities but would only use them as tools at best. This is due to their unparalleled sense of smell and superb night vision, only surpassed by some Mina. If one travels amongst the trees and wooded areas one would do well to tread lightly as they are likely being watched by many eyes. Unless one gets dangerously close to their homes they will likely pass through a territory and not even know how many Murroch were around them watching every move.

Abomination (Mina)

They are only known by the Order's classification of Abomination or the slang, Mina (Mee-nah). This is largely due to not having any real common trait. While some can be seen that look similar to one another it generally ends there. Mina look very much human at first glance then things begin to stand out. Mina can have multiple extra limbs, typically arms, or eyes of various shades. When it comes to vision, some Mina can even see other spectrum light but this also can limit when their active hours are and therefore limit their mobility. They also range in skin color and pattern while having no fur what-so-ever. This acts as camouflage, and in a very small percentage can actually change like a chameleon. This is probably why Mina haven't been wiped off the map by the Order. Mina above all others are hated by the Order due to their close resemblance to humans.

Mina have no particular social structure and live in only small groups at best. In these instances the most street wise, or the strongest are looked to for leadership. Mina, while in some cases can be frightening to behold, aren't anymore aggressive than humans and often times less so due to not wanting to rock the boat so to speak. The Mina are a perfect example of beauty being only skin deep, or in this case oddity.